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Varsity Home Service became my AC company this year after my previous AC company dropped out of servicing private homes. The main reason I decided to give Varsity a go was the family ownership and involvement. My first experience was our usual Spring checkup and maintenance ahead of the heating season which was thorough. Then as luck would have it, one of our 20+ year old air handlers in the attic developed a leak and Varsity’s subsequent check revealed a more serious issue than a simple leak and the net of all that was we needed a replacement air handler. Varsity gave as a prompt quote but as it’s major item, I also sought quotes from the HVAC plumbing company we’ve used for years for our plumbing needs. Varsity’s quote was more than 40% lower and I had to drag the quote out of the other company. I am not kidding – FORTY PERCENT lower for same product. Finally, as we were looking down the barrel of a near 100 degree multiday heat wave, Varsity scheduled installation day before the heat wave and got it done. Our attic btw, is an old one – 100 year old house – that presented some installation issues. The Varsity installers, Eli and Jim, never batted an eyelash. No complaints on the three story carry of the handler to the attic, cramped space and some in the wall rewiring to handle the newer air handler. A follow-up adjustment needed was scheduled and done within 2 days at no charge. We couldn’t be happier with the company. we posted on Home Advisor too